View MIP-protected PDFs in Acrobat 2020 and Reader 2020 Context pane: Helps you take actions on files across all Home view with context-sensitive menus, and check the status of participants and history of activities for shared documents.Ī. Recent files B. Recommended tools C. Search files D. Context pane.Search box: Lets you search all your Document Cloud files and the files sent or received for viewing, reviewing, or signing.Recommended tools: Helps you discover top Acrobat tools like Edit PDF, Create PDF, Combine PDFs, and more.Recent Files list: Displays your recent files opened for viewing from your computer, Document Cloud storage, or third-party storage like OneDrive, Dropbox, Box, and SharePoint.** For Arabic and Hebrew, the application user interface is in English and Arabic/Hebrew right-to-left language support is enabled by default. * The North African French (Français) version is a French application user interface with Arabic/Hebrew right-to-left language support enabled by default. ( French, German, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Czech, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Hungarian, Ukrainian, North African French*, Middle Eastern Hebrew**, Middle Eastern Arabic** ) However, these language packs are not available on the other Windows operating system was using other languages. The Adobe language packs can be installed only from the Optional section in Update. Language: Acrobat Pro 2020 is installed with the English language as the default.